Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have a great Thanksgiving!

The pic of Clayton was one that my best friend Holly took of him at a a baby shower for our other good friend Morgan. The family picture was taken by Stewart Dedmon of Creative Images photography. Both are great professional photographers!! I love them both dearly!!
I am so thankful for my family. I love my parents they are great, wonderful, supportive and I appreciate them sooo much!!! I am thankful for my grandparents thank you for all that you do and taking care of Clayton!! Of course I love my husband! He is my best friend and puts up with me! He is always there and is a great dad! I couldn't ask for more!! ahhaha LOL! I am thankful Clayton he will never know how much happiness he brings to our family. We love him so much!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

October-November 09

Oh geez so much has happened!! Sorry, it has been a while I do forget about my blog some times and I promise I will do better!!

Well a lot of firsts... Clayton is starting to sit up on his own while being on someone's lap. He is trying to start crawling. It is really cute he has the motion for it but no go! He is also trying out different stage 1 baby foods. He does not like green beans unless they are mixed with apple sauce. He likes carrots, sweet potatos, squash, bananas, peaches and pears.
He has a lot of personality and we just love it. He loves to laugh and of course is very curious. If he is sitting on your lap and there is something in front of him he will grab it and place into his mouth.

He has attended his first hockey game, went to the state fair, TCU game, Dallas Cowboy stadium tour. He has done a lot for a little boy!! I have poseted some pics from the past two months...
Our next holiday is Thanksgiving, there is so much going on that day. I will let you all know what happens!! Until then have a great Thanksgiving!!
Love, Stace, Mark and Clayton