Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have a great Thanksgiving!

The pic of Clayton was one that my best friend Holly took of him at a a baby shower for our other good friend Morgan. The family picture was taken by Stewart Dedmon of Creative Images photography. Both are great professional photographers!! I love them both dearly!!
I am so thankful for my family. I love my parents they are great, wonderful, supportive and I appreciate them sooo much!!! I am thankful for my grandparents thank you for all that you do and taking care of Clayton!! Of course I love my husband! He is my best friend and puts up with me! He is always there and is a great dad! I couldn't ask for more!! ahhaha LOL! I am thankful Clayton he will never know how much happiness he brings to our family. We love him so much!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

October-November 09

Oh geez so much has happened!! Sorry, it has been a while I do forget about my blog some times and I promise I will do better!!

Well a lot of firsts... Clayton is starting to sit up on his own while being on someone's lap. He is trying to start crawling. It is really cute he has the motion for it but no go! He is also trying out different stage 1 baby foods. He does not like green beans unless they are mixed with apple sauce. He likes carrots, sweet potatos, squash, bananas, peaches and pears.
He has a lot of personality and we just love it. He loves to laugh and of course is very curious. If he is sitting on your lap and there is something in front of him he will grab it and place into his mouth.

He has attended his first hockey game, went to the state fair, TCU game, Dallas Cowboy stadium tour. He has done a lot for a little boy!! I have poseted some pics from the past two months...
Our next holiday is Thanksgiving, there is so much going on that day. I will let you all know what happens!! Until then have a great Thanksgiving!!
Love, Stace, Mark and Clayton

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

4 months old and 4 month shots...

Well my baby is now 4 months! I can't believe how time has flown by.. He is getting bigger, voicing his opinion more, turning over..... Just getting to be a big boy.

On Sunday, September 27th we had his baptismal and he did such an amazing job. He smiled at the pastor and didn't freak out in his arms and he looked oh so cute! We had the entire family and close family friends there and what a treat that was Mark's grandparents came into town. Plus we have picked Clayton's Godparents drumroll................Godmother: Rebecca Betz and Godfather: Daniel Brietling... We are so excited that they will be his godparents and know that they will do an amazing job. All the baptism pics are on my facebook here is a pic of him on stage...

We have a lot planned this month.... My cousin Morgen is coming into town and I can't wait for him to see Clayton.. That is his Uncle Morgen since I don't have any siblings. We are planning on going to pumpkin patches, halloween parties, boo at the zoo! There is a lot going on!

Of course I will be more up to date on these postings!!

Mark, Stace and Clayton

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We have done a lot!

I know it has been awhile since my last post!!

In August, Clayton has done a lot..... He went to the circus and he had such a blast he loved the lights in fact he couldn't stop looking a the lights...

He has been swimming a lot in his pool which he loves! He loves to kick his feet and splash around. He is now wearing 3 to 6 months clothes and is in stage 1-2 diapers... He is getting to be such a big boy I can't believe how big he is getting....

I got to show him off at the university's President's picnic and my sorority sisters fell in love with him of course! He smiled at them and got to see lots of ppl! I think he was overwhelmed by everything going on...

So far in September, he has attended a funeral which he did very well. Also, he had his second holiday with us! He celebrated Labor Day weekend in true style with football games! He paid attention to the college football games especially Penn State! Daddy was very proud of course!

That is all I know we have our first walk on the 12th... American Heart Association at 7am we are walking with the Athletic Training dept. It will be sooo much fun and hoping it doesn't rain!

That is all I know for right now! I promise I won't take too long to post on Clayton...


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to work! and Updates!

Well I started back to work on Monday, August 3rd and it was hard at first.... I can say it was nice to be away for a few hours. Mark did a great job on taking care of him since it was his first full day of taking care of him. I go from taking a care of a two month to 18 year olds... Fun huh!

Well lets see what has been going on the little man! He can hold his head up and loves tummy time. When he is at Ma and Pa's house they read to him, play with him oh he even goes mall walking with them... LOL!

On July 30th, he had his shots and that was the sadest thing to witness. He did so well up until he received his shots and then the cries started... It broke my heart to hear him cry like that. Dr. Rhodes gave him an A+ for his two month visit. He weighs 12 lbs (as of July 30) and is 23 inches long. He is right where he needs to be as far as develop wise. Which we were not surprised! We knew he would be perfect! LOL!

On July 31st, he stayed with my parents it was our first official night away from him and we only called 3 times okay maybe 4 times.. He loves his Grammie and Pawpaw TC. In fact, on Saturday he was so content with being over there that we stayed over there all day together while Mark went to work.

On Sunday, August 9 we had him in the pool and he loved it! Which we were thankful that he did not freak out. He loves his bath time so I do believe that helped. Here are some pics of that day that are posted above:

That is all I know for right now... We just love him sooo much.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

OMG I am going to be 29

Well I am about to be 29 years old on the 20th and my son will be 2 months on the 29th! Here are his one month pics taken by my bf Holly Gray...

We have been doing really great and love our son! He has been amazing to watch... He makes the funniest faces when is awake and of course when he is asleep. Bedtime has been an adjustment he is doing really well with sleeping 4 - 5hours some nights. I now understand all moms who had babies before us when they told me oh you won't eat or shower after 2pm... It is true!

Mark is amazing and loves his son in fact it is a battle sometimes of who gets to hold him! hahahah I thought I would never see the day when a baby has Mark in the palm of his hands and has his finger wrapped around him!!

Hope everyone is staying cool in this wonderful Texas HEAT!!!
Stace and Clayton

Sunday, June 28, 2009

May 29th changed our lives!!

I am sorry to be a month late on blogging so much has happened since my last entry! This is kinda funny considering I had talked to my cousin Alison the night before about labor/delivery and all the fun prego stuff!

On May 28th, I went in for my regular one week appt. little did I know what was about to happen. I did my normal weigh in, urine cup all the stuff that you do once a week at the DR. Well, I knew when she tested my urine that something was up bc the nurse took a little longer looking at the strip. She then checked my bp ( which I thought I was fine I wasn't swollen yet) well my bp was 133/93 NOT GOOD apparently! The nurse then said well you have a 2 plus protein in your urine and your bp is way high. You might be staying after she sees you. SAY WHAT! I turned to my momma and in tears.... She told me to relax and wait for official news from the Dr. Alexis. I waited for her to come in and she came in and checked to see if I was dilated which I was not. She told me since my BP was high and that my protein level was a 2 plus that I had........ Preclampsia (SP?) I was told that I would be checking into the hospital and that would be delivered sometime today hopefully. Again, I was in shock, nervous and started shaking..... Everything was happening so fast... She said that Clayton was fine it was my body that was preventing him to come out.

I checked into the hospital thankfully just down the hall and was checked into a very nice room! Well it was the pre labor/delivery room.. I was so nervous that I couldn't even call Mark my momma had to call. I then got ready into the lovely hospital gown and was settled into the bed. I was hooked up to an IV and then had blood drawn. Needless to say they checked on me constantly and was watching my bp and of course his heart rate.

I was induced and poticin was placed into my IV and the contractions started! Those are not fun they are like intense cramps. Dr. Alexis continued to check on me and I was still not dilated fully maybe like a two... This continued all day and into the night about 9pm 0r 10 I had an epidural and that was great love that drug! I went from a 2 to a 4 then Dr. Alexis broke my water that was uncomfortable by the way even though I really couldn't feel it. I was then at 7 and stayed there for a while. At 5:45 am on May 29th Dr. Alexis came in and said the or team on the way and that she is delivering by c-section his heart rate was going up and down way too much. My eyes started tearing up and in shock. At 6:12 am Clayton Landry was here and he is perfect and wonderful... He was 7 pounds 2 ounces and 20 inches long.

Now he is a month tomorrow and I can't believe how fast a month went even though it did not feel like it! He is holding his head up more and more and now is trying to turn over! He is our little wiggle worm! He is precious and we just love him! I will say this it was so hard that first 2 weeks and once we started getting a schedule down it was good to go!

Also, Mark has done a great job and a fanstatic dad!! He is amazing to watch with Clayton and he is just wonderful! He took care of everything while I was out of commission and couldn't really get around. I fall in love with him more and more every day!

I will get pics up as soon as I get them on CD....

I hope everyone is doing great! I know we are doing great!

Mark, Stace and Clayton

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On His Time! And we are counting!

AS of last Thursday, I was pretty much still the same dilated at a fingertip! I mean seriously... However, my bp was 116/75 which was really good I think it was that way bc I was very excited to be there and hoping that I would be dilated a lot more and that she would just keep me! The good news is that I had lost a pound as well. Which I thought was funny I guess all that walking made me loose weight. Also, my group Strep B test was negative which is good.

I go again on 21st at 9:30 am hopefully there will be some progress if not I may have to convince her to induce me... I have enjoyed being pregnant until the last month or so! I am ready to have my bladder back and not go every 30 minutes. Also, I am ready to be able to fasten my jeans, shorts, pants.

We had a great memorial day weekend.. Got to spend lots of time with each other! We saw Dance Flick and Night at The Museum 2 at the movie tavern in Arlington.... It was a lot of fun. We are very anxious to see our little Clayton and hoping that he will decide to come out or else he gets evicted! ahahah LOL! I know Mark will be a wonderful dad! I can already tell when he talks about him....

That is all I know!


Friday, May 15, 2009

2 Weeks away......

Yesterday, we went to the Dr. and drum roll please!!!!!!

His estimated weight is 6 lbs 8 ounces and the sonogram showed everything looks great kidneys, heart, head size.... She said that he was already in the down position!!! I was very excited to hear that.... His heart rate was 145 Dr. Alexis said that was good! Mom says that I was 6 lbs 10 ounces when I was born....

Next was the Group Strep B exam hurt like heck!! I don't care what anyone says that hurt... Then she checked my cervix again not a good feeling plus I about jumped off the table! I am dilated at a fingertip.... I was sooo hoping to be more but he is not ready I guess to come out! And then they realized they hadn't checked my BP okay not good after doing those exams!! It was 145/88 the highest I have ever seen!!

I will see her again on the 21st I am hoping to have dilated a little more than a fingertip! We have a full weekend ahead with graduations Saturday and the parties, Sunday more parties and I am judging Wesleyan Cheer/dance tryouts.... We are going to be busy let's just hope my BP doesn't go up!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sad news

I wasn't going to post this but I decided too..........

On April 30th at 7:36am I found our 3 year chocolate lab had passed away overnight... It was such a shock to find him. I went out to feed him and found him. He was not sick or poisoned. Like most dogs Bear would nibble on his food throughout the day and then at once eat the rest in a hurry. He had thrown up and choked on it.

Of course I had a dr appt. at 9:30am and Mark was already at the station..... Everything happens when Mark goes to the station.. Thanks to my mom who being a great mom took care of me took me to work and then to the Dr. where my bp was way high and was sent home to rest for the day.... Our next appt. is May 14th and I am excited we will have another sonogram, check his weight, check cervix and of course test for Strep Group B....

That is all the news I have for right now! I will update next week!!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Hi my name is Swollen!

Well I am 33 weeks and have 7 more weeks and I am ready! I am swollen from my fingers to my toes (They look like mini sausages).... Now it comes and goes as long as my feet are propped and I am drinking water. I have had all my showers now and I am so excited we got a lot of the items that we needed!

I went to the DR. last Thursday and it went very well except she had a nurse there that I have never been around trying to scare me about my blood pressure which was normal 136/80. Dr. Alexis told me right after that everything looked great and I don't need to worry.... She said that he was an active boy! I told her of course he was especially that time of the morning... I asked her how much does she think he weighs.. She told me that this was her guess that is he 4 lbs! She said bc right now during this period of weeks he should be 3 and half to 4 lbs. She said that I was doing good weight wise and that I am all baby! My next appt. is scheduled for April 30th at which I will be 34 weeks along!

On Saturday, April 18 I walked for Team Caleigh in the March of Dimes walk in Ft. Worth. It was a lot of fun and I did pay for it in the end with the swelling.... We didn't realize that it was a 5k. It made me appreciate life more and more and thank God that we have had a good pregnancy thus far. I know there will be pics posted from the walk very soon....

I know I need to post pics of the somewhat nursery! The crib is put together and the room is painted hopefully my wonderful hubby will finish it for me! Hoping key word there!

Hope all is well!!


Monday, April 6, 2009

9 weeks away!

I am now 31 weeks at the last week of 7 months! I can't believe that I will be entering my 8 months on Easter! Now I am in freak out mode!!

At last appt. the Dr. said that everything looks great and I am right on target.... Which is really good! I have already had 2 showers and they were amazing!!

On April 4th, we had a 4 D sonogram done... It was too cool! We got to see somewhat of his features he was being a little shy for the camera. So far he looks to be combo of both of us.. However, he has Mark's feet! I know Holly is excited! I will have to post those pics soon.

Well I have also finished my first week of advising and it went really great! I love my new job!

I hope everyone has a great week I know I will we are off Thursday and Friday!

Have a great Easter weekend!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Swollen feet, lots of water and rest oh my!

Hello everyone!

I am now in my 2nd week of my 7th month and the feet are swollen! My toes look like sausages! I had a dr. appt on March 18th and I am happy to say I passed the Glucose test with flying colors I do not have diabetes! Thank goodness bc I did not want to drink that nasty stuff again!! His heart rate was at 155 which is good and he is right where he needs to be as far as weight. I had to ask my dr how much have I gained and she said 17 lbs it is all baby! She stated that I was doing good as far as my weight goes and continue with the walking... We also discussed pediatricians and registering at the hospital which was done yesterday! I also needed to schedule the 4d sonogram which I am still waiting to hear back from the office.

My next appt is April 2nd day after Mark's promotional exam for work. Trust me when I say I will be soooo happy when that exam is here and the studying will stop! He has been studying so hard and I am very proud of him. I hope he does well and passes and promotes depending on how everything turns out.

The nursery got painted (thank you mom, ma, pa and Rachel!) during Spring Break and the furniture arrived so we are right on time with everything! My boss has us given lots of boys clothes and they are sooo cute! I will have to post pics of the nursery once it is set up.

From Wednesday 3/18 to Sunday 3/22 my parents and I made a road trip to Branson, Missouri and then to Fairfield Bay, Arkansas. We had such a blast just hanging out and being a family. Mark was at home working exchange of time and studying.... I loved being able to drink coffee in the mornings with my daddy again it was great! Thank you momma and daddy for a great trip! Next time we go highway!

That is all I know for right now! I hope everyone had a great spring break or at least enjoying the weather!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Glucose test not the greatest!

Well folks I had the glucose tolerance test on last Friday...

Words cannot even describe the juice.. I can't even look at fruit punch ever again without thinking how nasty it was.... My lovely husband thought it would be funny when I got home and had gotten sick at work to offer me fruit punch...

Well today I should know the results I am hoping that the results come back negative and that I don't have to go back and do it again..

Spring break is next week and I am very excited! The university will be closed the entire week!! I will be heading out of town with my parents going to Branson, Missouri and to Arkansas! I have not been on vacation with them in a long time... I am sure it will be an adventure and it always is bc dad and I find something to give mom a hard time about!

My last 4 week appt is the 18th and we will be doing the every 2 week and then every 1 week! I have 91 more days to go!!

Well hope everyone has a great week!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our baby boy sonogram!

The sonogram pic that had been promised!!



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2nd to last 4 week appt.

Here is a pic of my niece Allyson Diane Betz - My best friend Becca's new one!

Well today we went in for another appt. I was told early this week that I will be taking the glucose test... Well folks that didn't happen so I fasted for nothing. I have to take the test within the next 4 weeks.... I will be going in early for that exam.

His heart rate was at 160 and his growth is going very well Dr. Alexis says he is great! We will have our last 4 week appt on March 18th and then we will go to every two weeks. I can't believe this pregnancy has gone by so fast... No name as of yet for our little guy! I am hoping soon....

Hopefully, by the weekend pics will be posted I am will make sure of it!

I hope everyone is doing great! I know I am!!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last month of second trimester....

I am 23 weeks and I promise I will get pics up soon I am very bad at getting the pics uploaded. I am feeling really good and feel like I am getting bigger and bigger...

Our next doctor's appt. is Feb 18th and I have no idea what we are doing during that appt. I know between 24 -28 weeks I am suppose to do the glucose test... Which I have heard is terrible.

We are getting dates finalized for the baby showers so far we have one date confirmed and I am excited my sister in law who is fabulous is putting it together! Thank you Letty!! I heart you!

That is all I know for right now...

Hope all is well


Monday, February 2, 2009

We registered!!

I have a fast trigger finger when it comes to registries!! Thanks to the help of Marcia (Les's wife) she helped more then anything when it came to each aisle we went down... We have a lot picked out at Babies R Us and Target.. I will have to register more on Target online bc the Arlington didn't have much which shocked me.

We went to the stockshow and rodeo this past weekend and it was a lot of fun! I bought our son his first pair of John Deere boots size 6-9months! I can't wait til he wears them... Mark was excited about them when I showed him..

I am 22 weeks now and I feel as though I am getting bigger each week! He is moving like crazy during certain times in the morning and in the afternoon and very quiet in the evening time. He is already on a schedule! ahahaha LOL!

As for other news.... I will start a new position at Wesleyan on Feb 16th as the Asst. Director of Freshman advising and student liaison... I am so excited this will be a new adventure for me and I can't wait. Plus this will be a better schedule for the baby when he comes!! I have enjoyed working in admissions met a lot great friends and worked with amzing people.. I will still work everyone in admissions just won't be in admissions....

Well hope everyone has a great week!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's a BOY!!

We are very excited to know that we are going to have a boy.... I have always wanted boy first then a girl!

We went in this morning and of course at first the sonographer checked everything out first like head, legs, etc... Then she asked if we were ready and I told her to show Mark first and I will look at his face.. When she showed him I saw a huge smile on his face... It still took me a while that they were saying he/him..

I will have to scan the pics onto the blog so that everyone can see....


Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello 2009!!

Happy New Year!!

Sorry it has been awhile... Mark and I got back from vacation and it was great! I love snow! Little Dissinger got to learn about snow while we were there. We went to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for the 6 day Texas Music Festival... Oh the irony huh! Pictures were taken so we have the 18wk pic I just need to post along with other pics.

I am excited January 20th we find out the gender and we are very nervous and excited about finding out. So far in my office it has been said that 3 say boy/3 say girl.....

January 12th at 5:30 am I felt the baby hiccup it was the coolest thing to feel weird but cool! All during the holidays I felt movement such as a little kicking here and there which made seem for real that I am prego.

Well that is all I know right now and I will post the pics hopefully this week....

Hope everyone has a great 2009!!
