Sunday, June 28, 2009

May 29th changed our lives!!

I am sorry to be a month late on blogging so much has happened since my last entry! This is kinda funny considering I had talked to my cousin Alison the night before about labor/delivery and all the fun prego stuff!

On May 28th, I went in for my regular one week appt. little did I know what was about to happen. I did my normal weigh in, urine cup all the stuff that you do once a week at the DR. Well, I knew when she tested my urine that something was up bc the nurse took a little longer looking at the strip. She then checked my bp ( which I thought I was fine I wasn't swollen yet) well my bp was 133/93 NOT GOOD apparently! The nurse then said well you have a 2 plus protein in your urine and your bp is way high. You might be staying after she sees you. SAY WHAT! I turned to my momma and in tears.... She told me to relax and wait for official news from the Dr. Alexis. I waited for her to come in and she came in and checked to see if I was dilated which I was not. She told me since my BP was high and that my protein level was a 2 plus that I had........ Preclampsia (SP?) I was told that I would be checking into the hospital and that would be delivered sometime today hopefully. Again, I was in shock, nervous and started shaking..... Everything was happening so fast... She said that Clayton was fine it was my body that was preventing him to come out.

I checked into the hospital thankfully just down the hall and was checked into a very nice room! Well it was the pre labor/delivery room.. I was so nervous that I couldn't even call Mark my momma had to call. I then got ready into the lovely hospital gown and was settled into the bed. I was hooked up to an IV and then had blood drawn. Needless to say they checked on me constantly and was watching my bp and of course his heart rate.

I was induced and poticin was placed into my IV and the contractions started! Those are not fun they are like intense cramps. Dr. Alexis continued to check on me and I was still not dilated fully maybe like a two... This continued all day and into the night about 9pm 0r 10 I had an epidural and that was great love that drug! I went from a 2 to a 4 then Dr. Alexis broke my water that was uncomfortable by the way even though I really couldn't feel it. I was then at 7 and stayed there for a while. At 5:45 am on May 29th Dr. Alexis came in and said the or team on the way and that she is delivering by c-section his heart rate was going up and down way too much. My eyes started tearing up and in shock. At 6:12 am Clayton Landry was here and he is perfect and wonderful... He was 7 pounds 2 ounces and 20 inches long.

Now he is a month tomorrow and I can't believe how fast a month went even though it did not feel like it! He is holding his head up more and more and now is trying to turn over! He is our little wiggle worm! He is precious and we just love him! I will say this it was so hard that first 2 weeks and once we started getting a schedule down it was good to go!

Also, Mark has done a great job and a fanstatic dad!! He is amazing to watch with Clayton and he is just wonderful! He took care of everything while I was out of commission and couldn't really get around. I fall in love with him more and more every day!

I will get pics up as soon as I get them on CD....

I hope everyone is doing great! I know we are doing great!

Mark, Stace and Clayton