Thursday, August 12, 2010

It has been awhile!!

Time sure has flown by us!! I know it has been a very long time since I have posted anything so here it goes on what the Dissinger family has been doing:

May 29,2010 - Clayton turned one!! We had a great party and all or our family and friends were there! It was such a blast!!

In June- Mark and I celebrated 7 years together in Alaska on a cruise! It was great and we also celebrated his 32nd birthday. Also, June 16th we welcomed another member to the Dissinger family our niece Makynzee was born. She looks just like Mark's brother.

In July- I celebrated my 30th birthday... Clayton started steps to walking and has been doing great! and has been eating more table foods and drinking whole milk! He is getting to be such a big boy!!

August- Our other niece Miss Ava turned 2 years old.. She is so much fun and watching her and Clayton play is the funniest thing to watch. Clayton will start going to school as of the 31st for two days a week from 9am to 2:30 pm. It is called the First Faith School at our church. We are very excited to have in this school program. Clayton has been babbling and talking more he now can say: book, here and I get it oh and bubbles. I can't believe how big he has gotten.. It seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.

Well that is all for now on what is going on in our lives! I hope to keep up the blog more...

Mark, Stace and Clayton