Wednesday, September 30, 2009

4 months old and 4 month shots...

Well my baby is now 4 months! I can't believe how time has flown by.. He is getting bigger, voicing his opinion more, turning over..... Just getting to be a big boy.

On Sunday, September 27th we had his baptismal and he did such an amazing job. He smiled at the pastor and didn't freak out in his arms and he looked oh so cute! We had the entire family and close family friends there and what a treat that was Mark's grandparents came into town. Plus we have picked Clayton's Godparents drumroll................Godmother: Rebecca Betz and Godfather: Daniel Brietling... We are so excited that they will be his godparents and know that they will do an amazing job. All the baptism pics are on my facebook here is a pic of him on stage...

We have a lot planned this month.... My cousin Morgen is coming into town and I can't wait for him to see Clayton.. That is his Uncle Morgen since I don't have any siblings. We are planning on going to pumpkin patches, halloween parties, boo at the zoo! There is a lot going on!

Of course I will be more up to date on these postings!!

Mark, Stace and Clayton

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We have done a lot!

I know it has been awhile since my last post!!

In August, Clayton has done a lot..... He went to the circus and he had such a blast he loved the lights in fact he couldn't stop looking a the lights...

He has been swimming a lot in his pool which he loves! He loves to kick his feet and splash around. He is now wearing 3 to 6 months clothes and is in stage 1-2 diapers... He is getting to be such a big boy I can't believe how big he is getting....

I got to show him off at the university's President's picnic and my sorority sisters fell in love with him of course! He smiled at them and got to see lots of ppl! I think he was overwhelmed by everything going on...

So far in September, he has attended a funeral which he did very well. Also, he had his second holiday with us! He celebrated Labor Day weekend in true style with football games! He paid attention to the college football games especially Penn State! Daddy was very proud of course!

That is all I know we have our first walk on the 12th... American Heart Association at 7am we are walking with the Athletic Training dept. It will be sooo much fun and hoping it doesn't rain!

That is all I know for right now! I promise I won't take too long to post on Clayton...
